New Year Resolutions!. - Welcome to Modupeblog

Monday, 31 December 2018

New Year Resolutions!.


It's always the same positive feeling, all inspirational that makes us purely excited about things to come in the new year. For some though it's mixed as they reminisced on the rough patches they've overcomed in the passing year in all aspects of their life. The truth is that the saving grace for anyone is God's mercy, having that in mind your resolutions too is another motivation that will push you further to your land of accomplishment.
Resolutions are good but there are questions you should ask yourself at year end's like this. One is what Inspired them? Were they just borne out of desperation or you simply want to keep up things that have no genuine relevance to your personal goals and future.
Secondly are these resolutions truly realistic?. It is good to dream big and aim for the sky but the Stark reality is that some accomplishments will take longer to achieve than others based on some factors that are way beyond your control. That is just what life is all about, you cannot as a matter of fact acheive all your dreams at once, except by God's divine intervention.
Money, time and some temporal constraints may compel you to shelve some things for the future. Yet you must plan for these big goals as much as you plan for the short term goals and in accomplishing them your efforts must be totally invested, time, money, etc.
So my enthused BVs what are your goals for 2019?. Are you planning to build on previous ones or cutting out a different path for the coming year. Let's share in your experiences this year and your plans for 2019!.
 WRITER: Babatunde Modupe
IMAGE CREDIT: Goggle Images

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